Protecta Evo Express Heavy Bait Station
- 1 key per Stations (Key is in the opening of the station)
- Tamper-Resistant for Kids & Dogs: The station can only be accessed once it has been opened with the key. The ramped entries & baffles keep bait and traps out of reach of children and non-target wildlife for peace of mind.
- Comes pre-installed with a concrete block that is completely enclosed with no bolts or screws that can break or crack. The station also has a hole in the base for use with anchors, and holes in the back to be secured to a fence line.
- Single locking mechanism provides quick servicing combined with a station that is strong enough to provide a high level of tamper-resistance. Contains 4 vertical bait positions (that accommodate 8-1oz. Blox) with locking rods that won't fall out during cleaning and a removable tray with rounded corners for quick station servicing.